To contact a specific Destination: Greater Pittsburgh member, please visit their business listing. A full list of members can be found here.
To reach the general DGP mailbox contact Members@DestinationGreaterPittsburgh.com or
fill out the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Current Board Members:
President: Tracie Liberatore - info@bradfordhouse.org
Vice President: Skip Phillips - skip.phillips@aimbridge.com
Treasurer: David Stephens - david.stephens3@hilton.com
Secretary: Amber Harkleroad - amber.harkleroad@sheratonstationsquare.com
Committee Chairs:
Marketing: Co-chair - Pam Howell - pcain@trustarts.org
Marketing: Co-chair - Shema Krinsky - shema.krinsky@simon.com
Membership - Amber Harkleroad - amber.harkleroad@sheratonstationsquare.com
Travel Committee - Jaimie Hanson - jhanson@riversofsteel.com
Administrator: Kris Piscatelli - Members@DestinationGreaterPittsburgh.com​