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Destination: Greater Pittsburgh meetings are for Members Only and check in is required. If you would like to attend a DGP meeting or event as a Guest please contact us in advance at



Meeting Details: SYTA: Student Itineraries


Hosted by: The Maxo Vanka Murals 

Meeting location: 24 Maryland Ave, Millvale, PA  15209

Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025

Meeting Time: 2:00 Tour available 3:00 PM Meeting

R.S.V.P. by March 7, 2025 to


Parking: DGP members can park in the St. Nicholas Convent parking lot, located across the street from the church.


Note: The meeting will be in church hall (down 7 steps) guests will be welcome in sanctuary (upstairs) for a tour beginning at 2:00 PM and followed by our meeting at 3:00 PM.

The tour starts inside the sanctuary of St. Nicholas Church, and the entrance is located on the back side of the building from Maryland Ave. Walk through the parking lot on the left to reach the main entrance or follow the path to the right to enter via the wheelchair-accessible ramp.

There will also be a tour for members who would like to stay after the meeting.



       Monthly Meeting
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